CBH News

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Location: Union, New Jersey, United States

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Monday, February 20, 2006

UNDERGROUND: Pottery Shards from the Battery Wall!

It's amazing what people will throw away! While Stephanie was working on the Battery Wall (see previous posting!) she picked through the material that the archeologists were throwing away and found some really nice specimins of pottery shards. Gordon sent the above image to archeologist Dr. Rich Veit to see what we had. Here's what he had to say...

"The item in the upper left hand corner is redware and probably dates from the 18th century, though slip trailed redware was in use up until about 1850. I think this is an early piece. All the others, except the bottom right, appear to be buff bodied English earthenware C. 1670-1790. The fragment in the bottom right appears to be Pearlware (c. 1775-1840). Essentially it is a nice 18th-century collection."



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