CBH News

This blog supplements the Common Bond Historians website, www.commonbondhistorians.com, as a place where we can share the most recent progress of our projects with our friends.

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Location: Union, New Jersey, United States

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

FOLK GRAVE MARKER SURVEY: Grave Marker Presentation a Success!

On November 18, 2006, Stephanie and I participated as speakers at the first New Jersey Forum, held in Trenton by the New Jersey State Historical Commission. We spoke about our folk grave marker survey project and were well received.

The event itself was great! It was well-attended and it was very interesting to see the kinds of research others are doing, both in the professional and amateur realms. It was also great to meet so many people I knew from the NJ History Listserve as well!

People seemed very interested in what we are doing and offered support. I believe that the current plan is to hold this event every other year. It was a lot of fun and I really hope it continues. It certainly got off to a strong start!

- Gordon Bond


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