CBH News

This blog supplements the Common Bond Historians website, www.commonbondhistorians.com, as a place where we can share the most recent progress of our projects with our friends.

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Location: Union, New Jersey, United States

Rather than try to summarize myself here, check out my websites: www.CommonBondHistorians.com www.GardenStateLegacy.com

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Hello and welcome to the new Common Bond Historians news blog!

We had been previously posting updates about our on-going history research projects on our website (www.commonbondhistorians.com), but have found the blog an easier method for sharing our doings with our friends. A link to this blog will be added to the website and we hope you'll check in from time to time to see what we've been up to!

As of January 1, 2006, all news updates will be posted here.

Contacting us is pretty easy, either via the info on the website or by posting comments here. We hope you'll find our work as interesting and enjoyable as we do!

And don't forget to check out !