CBH News

This blog supplements the Common Bond Historians website, www.commonbondhistorians.com, as a place where we can share the most recent progress of our projects with our friends.

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Location: Union, New Jersey, United States

Rather than try to summarize myself here, check out my websites: www.CommonBondHistorians.com www.GardenStateLegacy.com

Saturday, March 08, 2008

JAMES PARKER: A Printer on the Eve of Revolution - Book due for release in April '08!

I am pleased to announce that my biography of the colonial NJ/NY printer, James Parker, is scheduled for release in April of 2008! I am also lining up promotional speaking engagements - keep an eye on the "Presentations" page of our website for dates. If you belong to a group that is interested in a presentation, please let me know. My contact info is on the homepage www.commonbondhistorians.com



Blogger Dave LaMorte said...

Thank you for speaking at the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts. I really enjoyed your talk. Your study of Parker illuminated a lot about the American Colonies during that period.

What is the best way to get a hold of your new book? Where is it available for sale? Is it available online?

1:21 PM  

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